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C++ Links #16

Welcome to new C++ Links - most important and useful articles, podcasts and videos that happen between 19th and 25th of January 2019.
This week you will find a link to a ray-tracer, real-life examples of ranges, new useful features of Microsoft Visual Studio and many more!
Tiny implementation of ray-tracing, it contains only 256 lines of C++ code… and it’s still readable! -
Marius Bancila presents a few interesting examples, how ranges may change our code. (BTW - Marius is the author of a great book - Modern C++ Programming Cookbook!) -
Bartłomiej Filipek wrote another nice post about file size. This time he shows how modifying file permissions affects reading file size. Bartek also did measure how fast is getting file size with different methods: -
New C++ Weekly - Jason presents how to use C++20 lambda as a custom comparator to
: -
Article from Rainer Grimm - this time he presents how to use the
library: -
Guest post on fluentcpp - how aliasing the pointer type may affect readability: -
Ivan Čukić wrote an article how to write projection without ranges:
This was a response to a blog post about projections in Ranges by Ryou Ezoe:
Projection, a powerful feature in C++20 Ranges library -
Visual Studio Team added few really nice features to MSVS, including automatic addition to missing
directives, experimentalopenmp simd
, code analisis working in the background and much more: -
Jonathan Boccara from fluentcpp tries to wrote method, that accepts only one type in a variadic template: -
New CppCast episode - interview with Christopher Di Bella, mostly about SG20 Education Study Group:
Extra 1: New videos from Meeting C++ are available on their youtube
They also have a great blogroll:
The links are brought to you by Wojciech Razik.
Wojtek is a Senior C++ developer at Thaumatec, currently writing software for a robot. He enjoys reading C++ Standard before bed, and he loves to hate JS from dawn to dusk.
If you know Polish, take a look at where Wojtek is one of the co-authors.
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