The work on C++23 continues! Without the face-to-face meetings, the Committee gathers online and discusses proposals and new additions to the language. See my latest report on what changed in C++ in April, May, and June 2021.

Let’s start!

Disclaimer: the view presented here is mine and does not represent the opinion of the ISO C++ Committee.

The online meetings  

Until March 2020, the ISO Committee met “offline” two or three times per year. The gatherings took place in various locations, mainly in Europe and the USA. Have a look at my few previous reports:

Since March 2020, due to pandemics, the meeting went entirely online. In the last year, around 200 virtual calls were organized! As you can see, the Committee is alive and working already on C++23 and C++20 fixes :)

Have a look at the most recent summary from Herb Sutter:

and some old ones, also from Herb Sutter:

If you want to know more about the online process, have a look at this document which describes how the ISO Committee works right now:

P2145R1: Evolving C++ Remotely

Upcoming Meetings  

Due to the global pandemic situation, ISO postponed all the face-to-face meetings, but hopefully, they will return in 2022. The next place for the conference is in Portland, USA, and later New York.

Here’s the plan for the meetings at the ISO C++ website: Upcoming Meetings, Past Meetings: Standard C++

The status of C++23  

The C++20 Standard is already published (Dec 2020), and since mid-2020, C++ Experts started the work on C++23. The papers and votings are now asynchronous. Thus far, the following features were accepted:

Recently added into C++23

  • P1938 - if consteval feature to C++23 - this fixes the interaction between consteval and std::is_constant_evaluated() (a magic function).
  • P1401 - Narrowing contextual conversions to bool - narrowing is not allowed in contextual conversion to bool in core constant expressions, this paper lifts this requirement for if constexpr and static_assert and should make code more readable.
  • P1132 - out_ptr and inout_ptr abstractions to help with potential pointer ownership transfer when passing a smart pointer to a function that is declared with a T** “out”
  • P1659 generalizes the C++20 starts_with and ends_with on string and string_view by adding the general forms ranges::starts_with and ranges::ends_with.
  • P2166 - Prohibit std::basic_string and std::basic_string_view construction from nullptr.

Features already available:

  • Literal suffix for (signed) size_t - we can now write auto i = 0zu which creates size_t variable.
  • Make () more optional for lambdas - no need to use () with lambdas with capture and mutable: [&var] mutable {}. This also applies to trailing return types and other specifiers.
  • The stack trace library - additional debugging information, similar to other languages like Python, C#, or Java.
  • <stdatomic.h>
  • std::is_scoped_enum
  • contains() for basic_string / basic_string_view
  • std::to_underlying - yep, this is almost the same utility that Scott Meyers proposed in his Effective Modern C++ Book :) Item 10, on scoped enums.
  • std::visit for classes derived from std::variant
  • Relaxing requirements for time_point<>::clock

As always, you can see their status on this great cppreference page:

C++ 2b Status @CppReference

And here’s the overall plan for C++23:

To boldly suggest an overall plan for C++23

Awesome papers  

Let’s now have a look at some recent papers listed for the Second Quarter of 2021.

Here are the links for:

The first one:

Making std::unique_ptr constexpr  


Some time ago, I wrote a blog post on constexpr dynamic memory allocations - see at: constexpr Dynamic Memory Allocation, C++20 - C++ Stories.

Unfortunately, in C++20, it requires raw memory management as you cannot use smart pointers and rely on RAII.

For example this code:

constexpr auto fun() {
    auto p = std::make_unique <int>(4);
    return *p;

constexpr auto i = fun();
static_assert(4 == i);

It won’t compile.

The proposal aims to fix this issue so that we could use smart pointers - only unique_ptr to be precise - in the constexpr context. The author also discusses some challenges when trying to implement shared_ptr this way.

Support for UTF-8 as a portable source file encoding  


In short:

We propose that UTF-8 source files should be supported by all C++ compilers.

This change would allow having more portable compilation across many compilers and platforms. Currently, each compiler handles encoding independently, and sometimes it might lead to unwanted consequences and encoding issues.

Stacktrace from exception  


Stacktrace is an utility added and approved for C++23, the proposal extends the library so that you can use: std::stacktrace::from_current_exception() and tat way get more information that exception.what().

Here’s the example code from the paper:

try {
} catch (const std::exception& exc) {
    std::stacktrace trace = std::stacktrace::from_current_exception();  // <<
    std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << exc.what() << ", trace:\n" << trace;

As you can see, with this code, you could quickly get what’s the current call stack and be able to debug the code much more straightforward.



10th (12th) iteration of this paper!

To be precise (as I got a comment @reddit, from sphere991 )

P0323R10 isn’t the 10th iteration, it’s the 12th. The first was N4109 and then R0 thru R10 is the next 11. Yes, this proposal recently turned 7 years old.

Currently, you can use many different strategies to inform about an error from a function:

with std::expected you could write:

std::expected<Object, error_code> PrepareData(inputs...);

And that way, convey more data to the caller in case of an error.

The expected object works similarly to std::variant<ReturnType, Error> - so only one part will be available to the caller. If there’s no error, then you can just fetch the value.

Mark all library static cast wrappers as [[nodiscard]]  


It’s a short paper, just 2 pages, but stresses the importance of [[nodiscard]] and adding it to even more places in the Standard Library.

For example if you perform a “language” based cast and forget to use the value, then you’ll get a compiler warning:

static_cast<T &&>(val); // gives warning
std::move(val);         // no warning!

The paper suggest adding [[nodiscard]] to the following functions:

  • to_integer
  • forward
  • move - yep, move() doesn’t move :) it’s a cast to r-value reference.
  • move_if_noexcept
  • as_const
  • to_underlying
  • identity
  • bit_cast

Your Turn  

What are your favorite proposals that might be included in the next C++ Standard?

Share your thoughts in the comments below the article.